preproduction stuff (pipeline, schedual, budget, shotlist etc)

Production pipeline

production schedual


Travel                                                    £3 per day (av 3 times per week)

Food                                                      £4 per day

My cost                                                  £6.50 per hour

                                                               Total per day    £65

Musician                                                £40 per day (used 5 times)

Mac BP                                                  £1000

Camera and software (hire)               £10 per day (AV 3 times a week = £30 per week)

Scanner                                                 £100

Paper (total)                                         £17

Pencils                                                   £8

Adobe suite                                           £1899

Time with mary and ian (in total)      £84

Internet                                                 £21 per month

Printing costs (total)                            £10

Peg bar                                                  £6

Light box                                               £100

Dvd case                                                £2

Total for whole production             £7597

Shot list

title scene
Space BG1
space ship 1
missile shoot
missile through clouds
missile hits city scape
blown up city scape
space ship 2
space station
earth with fly swat
earth with fly swat 2
space ship siren
space bg 2
the end
uwe logo