Suckas Script
By Jamie Bruun
Company name: Jamien Wurst Co.
Address: 59 York Road Bristol
Title screen:
SUCKAS on a spiral background
SUCKAS on a spiral background
Fades to black
Fades in to next screen
EXT. Earth from space (1) – dark background some stars
Space ship comes onto screen from left of screen sounds of spaceships engine (os)
EXT. Closer view (1) of spaceship – dark spacey background
cam zooms in on space ship
cam zooms in on space ship
Spaceship’s exhaust pipe splutters flames and smoke rings as it jerkily moves across screen from left to right
EXT. Earth from space (1) - dark background some stars
Spaceship comes to a halt hovering above the earth
EXT. Close up (2) space ship missile screen - dark background some stars + earth
Spaceship shoots a missile at earth cam zooms out to show missile with earth looming in background
EXT. on earth cloudy sky - day
missile flies into distance through clouds from left
missile flies into distance through clouds from left
EXT City scape - day
missile drops in to city below.
blue sky some clouds
missile drops in to city below.
blue sky some clouds
EXT. On earth City scape – day
Nuclear missile goes off followed by a yellow to white flash followed by a big mushroom cloud, city scape is left in rubble, half blown apart buildings and background deep red sky + silhouette clouds
INT. Inside spaceship – dark starry space and earth out of window
Aliens laughing and some sound of alien dialect (some gestures of happiness/celebration)
INT. Spaceship – earth and space out of window
Female alien reaches to push button to shoot another missile at the earth
INT. Button press Close up –
Slow motion button press (Possible half speed) tentacle comes from right and presses button then releases button
INT. mood background -
red light flashes 3 times and Reactor sound (siren)
red light flashes 3 times and Reactor sound (siren)
EXT. Spaceship close up (2) – Dark space with some stars
Missile shoots out of spaceship
EXT. Earth from space – Dark Space with start
Huge Space Corp fly swat swings round from left of earth stopping just before contact with space ship
EXT. fly swat in space - space with few stars
top part of fly swat pulls back in anticipation of swatting motion and slaps/swats space ship in to distance
top part of fly swat pulls back in anticipation of swatting motion and slaps/swats space ship in to distance
EXT. Earth from space (in distance) – Dark space
Space ship hurtles towards an asteroid, the asteroid and spaceship collide exploding on impact fades to white
Fades to black
Spiral background with the words THE END + credits